10 Cancelled Star Wars Video Games Fans Were Robbed Of

3. Star Wars 1313

Star Wars 1313

In 2012, two games were revealed as promises of what next-gen gaming could be. Even before new consoles from Microsoft and Sony were officially revealed, Watch Dogs and Star Wars 1313 were shown off at E3, and teased the kinds of powerful titles that were coming in the future.

It wasn't just the amazing graphical fidelity that made Star Wars fans fall in love with 1313 though, but the fact that this was going to be a game unlike any other in the series at that time. For the bulk of the late 2000s, all fans had to play were the two Force Unleashed games, which were good, but kind of unrefined.

1313, however, was going to be grittier, taking place in the criminal underbelly of scum and villainy which, at the time, hadn't really been explored in the video game space. Throw in rumours that you were really playing as a young Boba Fett, along with a trailer that looked like Uncharted in space, and hype was through the roof.

This was another casualty of Disney buying Star Wars though, and once the rights went to EA, 1313 had to be canned.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3