10 Challenging Video Games That Are Endlessly Rewarding

7. Monster Hunter

Monster Hunter

Monster Hunter is a game which can be mastered with enough patience, determination and persistence, providing players are willing to re-evaluate their understand of the genre.

After all, the game isn’t your typical JRPG; it’s not about acquiring the most effective equipment, or accumulating the greatest stats compared to your opponents. Instead, the game challenges players to consider their environment, coordinate their movements and consider their attacks carefully.

In this respect, a season veteran – equipped with ineffective armour and weapons – would stand more of a chance in combat than even the most well-equipped novice player. The entire game is designed around strategy, rewarding experienced players for their commitments, and punishing players who continually make the same mistakes.

Case and point: the MH3 demo was released several years ago – designed to acclimatise players to the game, equipping them sufficiently for the challenge – but was a disaster, because no one understood how to play game properly.

The game rewards perseverance, so if you know what you’re doing, it offers endless reward.


Formerly an assistant editor, Richard's interests include detective fiction and Japanese horror movies.