10 Characters Who KNEW They Were In Video Games

6. Banjo And Kazooie - Banjo-Kazooie

Max payne

Banjo and Kazooie characters, in all titles, are absolute criminals of breaking the fourth wall and self-referencing the game itself. All throughout you’ll find characters mentioning that they’re part of a video game.

Firstly, there are several references to the franchise, such as Gruntilda saying she’ll be back in the second game, even naming it specifically. As well as Banjo, Kazooie and Bottles arguing about who was the star of each game, be it at a barbecue, or debating with Bottles’ literal ghost.

My favourite line, however, happens upon Banjo and Kazooie entering a room where they’ll soon be fighting Klungo. Banjo says, “Hey, Kazooie, there doesn’t appear to be anyone in here.” Before the sharp bird responds, “Oh, yes there is. The music’s changed. Every time that happens, we always end up in a fight.”

Clearly Kazooie has played a few games in his time. In fact, it seems everyone in the Banjo and Kazooie universe have.


A writer of any and all kinds. Lover of video games, films, writing and achievement hunting, as well as streaming.