10 Characters Who KNEW They Were In Video Games

5. Psycho Mantis - Metal Gear Solid

Max payne

In regards to this list, there are too many Metal Gear Solid games, too many characters and too many possible examples of meta moments. We could legitimately make a top ten list from fourth wall breaks in the MGS franchise alone, which is par for the course of a Hideo Kojima production.

One of the most famous examples is Psycho Mantis’ mind reading, aka the scene where he reels off your play-style, number of saves, games you’ve been playing and favourite genre. That’s no exaggeration either - the player is in for an eerie insight into their console's save files. Thank god he can’t read out browser history.

Moving on to Ground Zeroes, we’re notified upon death of a time paradox as, of course, this is a prelude to Phantom Pain. Miller also informs us that time doesn’t stop when using the iDroid. This seems fair enough from a player standpoint but why would you ever need to be told that in reality?

As if that wasn’t enough, Big Boss, in the very opening of Ground Zeroes, will spike the lens and give us his best Snake impression: 'kept you waiting, huh?' This is both a reference to Solid Snake and the development time of the latest instalment.


A writer of any and all kinds. Lover of video games, films, writing and achievement hunting, as well as streaming.