10 Characters Who KNEW They Were In Video Games

3. The Protagonist - Sunset Overdrive

Max payne
Insomniac Games

To this day, one of the funniest video games I have ever played. Sunset Overdrive’s nameless protagonist has some of the best voice acting to go along with incredible writing. A fun, non-serious, very well made game on all fronts, Overdrive breaks the fourth wall about as much as Deadpool. This time, though, it’s all about video game tropes and clichés.

“How do I know you can handle a gun?” A crazy character asks. Your character responds by flashing up his weapon wheel and showing his in-game arsenal. “Should I follow that guy? He doesn’t have an icon,” your character inquires about a man, chased by zombies. The game’s announcer shouts that of course we should be following the guy. It’s small things like that which add up, making fun of itself but really at no one’s expense due to the game being so damn good.

“Well, what is your name? … Uh, I don’t know, it floats above my head in multiplayer but I can’t really see it right now.” Shakespeare, it is not, but again, the little things are what matter. Like, for example, discussing what would happen if one quest-giver steals another quest-giver’s objective, redirecting quests. The conclusion: “The game will f***ing crash.”


A writer of any and all kinds. Lover of video games, films, writing and achievement hunting, as well as streaming.