10 Characters Who KNEW They Were In Video Games

2. Conker - Conker's Bad Fur Day

Max payne

During Conker’s Bad Fur day, specifically during a sequence paying tribute to the scene in Aliens with Ripley in the mech suit, Conker has a moment of existentialism. The game, being his life, has locked up and he’s able to escape from certain death by simply navigating around the frozen assets surrounding him.

He talks out loud. Not to the player, but to any software engineers out there. He orders them to remove the background and give him some weapons. A rack full of them then comes sliding out of the background, another reference to The Matrix. He grabs his weapon of choice, being a shotgun, followed by a katana, and demands to be sent elsewhere.

It’s one of the more hard-hitting fourth wall breaks, confirming that Conker most definitely knows he’s part of a video game. Though, after seeing so many old-school games on the list, it makes you see how fourth wall breaking is a fading concept. Nowadays, video game developers take their work much more seriously and with technical advancements, rightfully so. We’re not looking at low-poly squirrels anymore.


A writer of any and all kinds. Lover of video games, films, writing and achievement hunting, as well as streaming.