10 Classic Games Missing From The Sega Mega Drive Mini

7. Rocket Knight Adventures

Rocket Knight Adventure

You're an opossum. You have a jetpack. You have an energy sword. Do you need any other reason than those to insist this game should have been included on the Mega Drive Mini?

Alright, if you insist on more reasons: Rocket Knight Adventures is an absolute fantastic sidescroller published and developed by Konami. As the Rocket Knight, Sparkster, you must rescue a princess from the evil clutches of a pig king.

What makes Rocket Knight really stand out from the other 2D scrollers of the era is the jetpack. At any point, it can be charged up, and you can send Sparkster rocketing off in any of the eight directions possible on the Mega Drive. This is used for tricky platforming situations, fighting enemies, and is an incredibly inventive, rewarding mechanic.

On top of that, you've got side-scrolling flying levels with dynamic background changes, excellent artwork throughout, a mine cart ride, an actual battle with a pig robot in space and even a one-on-one fight with your rival, Axel Gear, in a giant pig mech.

It's a genuinely excellent, underrated game that quite often flies under the radar when people list their favourite Mega Drive games.

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Dan Curtis is approximately one-half videogame knowledge, and the other half inexplicable Geordie accent. He's also one quarter of the Factory Sealed Retro Gaming podcast.