10 Classic Multiplayer Video Games You Must Play Before You Die

8. Power Stone 2 (Dreamcast)

Fighters back in the day often eschewed anything more than two players, preferring to keep to the more traditional one-on-one style game play. Power Stone 2 gladly threw out the rule book though, and allowed up to four players to fight at once. Which was actually a pretty radical concept for home gaming back in the day.

Set in gorgeous 3D environments with fantastic and imaginative level design (not many fighters allowed you to compete whilst falling through the sky), Power Stone 2 would see each player frantically search for the power stones hidden away in each level. When these were collected, your fighter would level up and you could then gloriously pulverize your opponents in spectacular fashion.

Frenzied and chaotic, Power Stone 2 was insanely fun to play with friends. Not least when your character sits at death's door, but you find that much-needed power stone that allows you to unleash merry hell on everyone else. The crazed whooping and yelling of "suck it" for 5 minutes to your friends, was probably the reason you never got invited back to play Power Stone 2 with them again.


Writer. Proud owner of a 1950-2000 Grays Sports Almanac. Has never created a dystopian alternate timeline (yet).