10 Classic Nintendo Games That NEED Switch Remakes

7. Bomberman 64

Pokemon Snap
Hudson Soft

Bomberman actually came to the Switch in 2017, with Super Bomberman R, although it was underwhelming to say the least. A few post launch patches straightened things out for the most part, but considering it was the franchise’s first release in a decade, it hardly returned the game to the dizzying heights of its heyday.

After the disastrous Bomberman: Act Zero inexplicably went all nu metal, a swathe of rushed, half baked games failed to gain traction, despite the return to the cartoony look. It seemed then that the puzzler was gone forever, but Super Bomberman R proved some people are still willing to take a chance on it.

That might not be the case much longer though if it stays at the level of Super Bomberman R, though. A reboot beginning with a throwback to the N64 might be the answer; a similar approach has already succeeded for other gaming has beens.

Crash Bandicoot and Spyro each had their own versions of Act Zero before N. Sane Trilogy and Reignited got them back on track. Bomberman 64 could do the same for this puzzle hero.

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Pokemon Snap
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Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)