10 Classic Video Games Clocked In Ridiculous Speed-Runs

2. Halo

Halo is to thank for the gaming world taking Microsoft's original Xbox seriously as a console. Like GoldenEye before it, Halo proved that a FPS can be crafted and control brilliantly outside of a mouse and keyboard. Finding glitches are the bread and butter of the speed-running community and Halo had them in abundance due to it being a launch day title. Unlike other titles on the list, the Halo speed running record was completed in co-op thanks to Scott 'slYnki' Angus and Chris 'scurty' Wasnetsky wrapping it up in 1hr 16min 43secs. Just to add onto their superior gaming and glitch utilising skills, the run was done on Legendary difficulty where most people spend 1hr 16mins just trying to complete the first two levels. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LVeQXBq8gXI

You're my bro! Not my brother.