10 Classic Video Games You Didn’t Realise Had Sequels

3. Contra 4

Jak and Daxter: The Last Frontier
WayForward Technologies

The original Contra is a classic that helped define the run-and-gun genre. Super Contra proved Konami knew how to handle a franchise. Contra III was one of the best sidescrollers on the SNES. Because the studio kept blasting out hit after hit, it felt like Contra was going to be a part of gaming forever.

But soon after, everything fizzled out. Konami still release Contra titles to this day, but they are a far cry from what they once were. (The most recent entry, Rogue Corps, may be the worst the series has to offer.) Because Contra has spewed out a lot of duds in over the years, gamers discounted or didn't realise Contra 4 was...like... a thing.

And guess what? It's the only instalment in nearly three decades that captures the spirit of the original. It doesn't do anything gimmicky or reinvent the wheel. It's just a back-to-basics instalment, which is what people wanted.

So, if it's so good, why hasn't anyone heard of it? Unfortunately, it was only available on the Nintendo DS. Being a 2D sidescroller, there's no reason why this unappreciated sequel couldn't be ported on modern system. But 15 years after its release, Contra 4 has never been available on any other system, seemingly dooming it to being unrecognized forever.


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