It's indisputable that the last console generation still has a stronger games library than the current one, so it was fantastic news when Microsoft announced earlier this year that it'd be updating the Xbox One to be backwards-compatible with (eventually almost all) 360 games. To clarify, you'll quite literally be able to put old 360 discs into your shiny new Xbox One, and they'll work thanks to the magic of hardware emulation. Microsoft has just added nearly 50 more games to the list of those that will be compatible, bringing the total to nearly 150. Needless to say there are some legendary last-gen titles in there, so while you're waiting for that overdue wave of Xbox One exclusives to make you proud of your purchase (they'll arrive some day, I'm sure), you should go pick up some nice n' cheap second-hand copies of the best games from years gone by, that'll get all new lease on life this November.
10. Fallout 3
When Fallout 4 launches in November, there's a good chance that its much-loved predecessors will quickly be overshadowed; a harsh reality of gaming evolution. But Bethesda's quality control with the Fallout series has been - quite literally - patchy. Both '3' and New Vegas were crippled by game-breaking bugs in their early months of release, forcing Bethesda to roll out fix after fix to make the games playable. With that in mind, maybe you're best off riding out the early months of Fallout 4's release by sticking around in the fairly stable, now relatively bug-free D.C. Wasteland of Fallout 3. Should you do this, you'll be rewarded with one of gaming's richest post-apocalyptic experiences; that mixed feeling of sadness and excitement when you first exit the vault and the wasteland comes into view, your first encounter with a Super Mutant, that thing you can do... with the town... and the bomb (you'll see). All these are things that any gaming connoisseur simply must experience.
Gamer, Researcher of strange things.
I'm a writer-editor hybrid whose writings on video games, technology and movies can be found across the internet. I've even ventured into the realm of current affairs on occasion but, unable to face reality, have retreated into expatiating on things on screens instead.