10 Confusing Video Game Levels Everyone Got Lost In

7. Blight Town - Dark Souls

final fantasy 10 bevelle cloister of trials
From Software

Dark Souls prides itself already on being confusing and brutally difficult. So that begs the question of which level is the worst of both worlds?

Soulsborne veterans already know the answer to that: none other than Blight Town.

Blight Town is already filled with the hallmarks of the rest of the game which makes it so difficult. Hard to kill enemies that like to ambush you, labyrinthian level geography, and no clear indication of which direction is the right one. But Blight Town adds one detail that makes it just that little bit worse: the entire town is oppressively dark, which makes it even easier for you to lose your way, and for enemies to get the drop on you.

While experienced Dark Souls players will have no trouble navigating this level, if you're new to the series, this level will sear itself into your mind as an agonizing slog of dead-end pathways and frustrating deaths. If nothing else, it stays true to its name, because this town is indeed a damned blight.


John Tibbetts is a novelist in theory, a Whatculture contributor in practice, and a nerd all around who loves talking about movies, TV, anime, and video games more than he loves breathing. Which might be a problem in the long term, but eh, who can think that far ahead?