10 Controversial Gaming Moments In 2013

9. Gearbox Dupes Gamers

Aliens: Colonial Marines is hands down one of the worst games to ever be released in quite some time. It was broken, ridiculous and comically terrible to play: in my experience I witnessed a soldier suicide by running into a wall among other things I'm still trying to block out of my mind. There€™s some hilariously unacceptable Xenomorph AI too present all throughout the game as documented below. This isn€™t about Sega releasing a terrible game though - if you enjoyed Colonial Marines for novelty alone then be my guest - even those that found enjoyment in Colonial Marines were rightfully upset €“ and bluntly speaking- consumed with anger upon seeing a build of the game that looked significantly better graphically and actually playable. It turns out Gearbox withheld funds from Sega, so that they could fine-tune Borderlands 2. Now Borderlands 2 is admittedly an addictive and fantastic game but this is just dirty, greedy, and shockingly immoral business practice. Gearbox CEO Randy Pitchford€™s public affection for the Aliens franchise legacy - and desire for a studio to create an Aliens game that wasn€™t just good but a game all gamers could rally behind, added more reason for disappointment. Was everything he said verbal diarrhea to sell a product? All we can really say definitively is that Gearbox knew they were releasing trash and seemingly didn€™t care.

I write for WhatCulture (duh) and MammothCinema. Born with Muscular Dystrophy Type 2; lover of film, games, wrestling, and TV.