10 Convoluted Video Game Lores Even The Creators Don't Understand

9. Dark Souls

dark souls 2 mirror knight

There is an entertaining ambiguity to the lore of the Dark Souls franchise, though anyone trying to make entirely coherent sense of it will surely get a bad migraine.

Players are typically tasked with piecing together the full context themselves through environmental exploration, and it's fair to say that the series is better loved for its precise, brutally challenging gameplay.

Series creator Hidetaka Miyazaki spoke about his developmental philosophies at an industry event earlier this year, where he confirmed that visuals and gameplay take a priority to him over story and dialogue, which are typically finalised far later in the process than is normal.

He added that, for him, the creation of the game world has a massive influence on the story, and so nailing down concrete plot elements before the world is built makes no sense.

This explains the murky - and some might say incoherent - nature of Dark Souls' world, and hilariously, Miyazaki added that many of the developers working at FromSoftware don't understand the series' narrative much at all, due to his failure to adequately convey the plot to them during development.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.