10 Craftable Video Game Items BETTER Than Legendary Loot

1. Laser Sword - Dead Rising 3

fallout 3

Crafting is a major aspect of all Dead Rising games, but even then, once you get your hands on boss weapons, you'll want to rely on them the most, as they pack a lot of punch, last longer than hand-made creations, and they're generally easier to find than the ingredients you need for crafting.

The one exception to this rule may be the Laser Sword from Dead Rising 3, the improvised zombie apocalypse version of the iconic lightsaber.

Not only is the Laser Sword fairly easy to build, requiring just two easily accessible items in the form of a flashlight and gems, but it is also highly durable and can cut through entire hordes of zombies like slicing through butter.

Once you learn the combo for the sword, crafting it will turn you from a mere apocalypse survivor into a zombie-hunting Jedi, and if this description hasn't made it clear enough, not a lot of items in the game can compare with this level of awesome power.

Besides, let's be honest. Wielding a lightsaber in a full-on zombie apocalypse is the ultimate power fantasy.

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Video games enthusiast with a love for bizarre facts about his favorite titles. Really into old-school strategies and RPGs of all shapes and sizes.