10 Craftable Video Game Items BETTER Than Legendary Loot

9. Zenith - Terraria

fallout 3

Although Terraria is technically a survival game, its gameplay is more focused on exploration and dungeon crawling than crafting and building.

You spend most of your time in the game entering dangerous new environments and defeating powerful bosses in order to get special legendary loot, but this said, if you want to get the absolute best weapon in the game, you will actually have to return to your roots and sit down in front of a forge.

Zenith, the legendary blade that combines the effects of every other rare weapon in Terraria, requires you to craft it in your workshop by combining all of the blades you've found in your journeys together.

The task is monumental, but in return, Zenith will actually fuse all of the blades' powers into one, creating huge whirlwinds of all of your past abilities with each strike.

Forging Zenith is the crowning achievement of any Terraria playthrough and the definitive proof that the best things in life are the ones you make yourself.

From stolen and looted items, yes, but combined together with nothing more than the power of your own two hands!

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Video games enthusiast with a love for bizarre facts about his favorite titles. Really into old-school strategies and RPGs of all shapes and sizes.