10 Craftable Video Game Items BETTER Than Legendary Loot

8. Spellforge Items - Warlords Battlecry III

fallout 3
Infinity Plus Two

Warlords Battlecry III is an old real-time strategy game in which you build your own hero, assemble an army, and then set out into the world to dominate and conquer.

There is no proper crafting system in the game per se, but the alchemist class lets your character create objects out of thin air, and this ability is the only way to get the best possible gear in the game, better than any of the legendary loot you pick up while questing in the world.

This is because the alchemist class does not only have a small chance of spawning the rare quest items with their basic spell (letting you collect them all without setting out on a single adventure), but they can also juice them up beyond their regular power with Spellforge, the final enchantment in the alchemist's spell book, which doubles the stats and effects of any item you spawn.

With a fully upgraded alchemist, you can just sit on the edge of the map and constantly crank out better versions of unique loot until your entire armory looks like the Cave of Wonders from Aladdin.

And it's all thanks to the powers of basic chemistry!

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Video games enthusiast with a love for bizarre facts about his favorite titles. Really into old-school strategies and RPGs of all shapes and sizes.