10 Craftable Video Game Items BETTER Than Legendary Loot

3. Deadric Set - The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

fallout 3

Legendary gear is the bread and butter of Skyrim and Elder Scrolls games in general. You typically can't walk one step through the world map without coming across some quest of dungeon that offers you a powerful artifact by the end of it.

However, for all their heroic legacy and otherworldly influence, none of the unique weapons you find in the world can come even remotely close to what you can make at your own smithy with good stats and a little know-how as to how to utilize them properly.

You see, unlike the unique weapons that will always be the way you found them, the gear you craft can be progressively improved along with your smithing and enchanting skills.

The more you smith and enchant, the more you can empower your crafted items. The Deadric set you can create this way is already more powerful than anything you will find while adventuring, but if you combine your enchanting skill with alchemical potions that boost it further, the scalability becomes potentially infinite.

The potions you craft will boost your enchanting, and your enchantments will in turn allow you to craft stronger potions. All you have to do is abuse this cycle a few times, and any items you craft will have unlimited power!

And remember! It's not a bug, it's a feature!

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Video games enthusiast with a love for bizarre facts about his favorite titles. Really into old-school strategies and RPGs of all shapes and sizes.