10 Craziest Video Game Myths (That Turned Out To Be True)

10. Super Mario Bros. 3 Was Just A Stage Performance

Super Mario Bros. 3
Longtime Mario fans may have noticed the world of Super Mario Bros. 3 looks a little off; it starts with a curtain rising, the letters and platforms are casting shadows on the sky and various parts of the scenery €“like the blocks€“ appear to be bolted on. This gives the impression the entire game is just an elaborate stage performance, and a fan theory gathering together the various pieces of evidence for this quickly became popular because it was so damn credible. In a move that helps vindicate fan theories the world over... €“well, the decent ones anyway €“Shigeru Miyamoto himself confirmed the game is just a stage show in a video interview. He didn€™t actually comment on this design choice, he just nodded in that charming Miyamoto way when the question was put to him.

Handsome. Charismatic. Intelligent. Noble. Witty. I'm none of these things, but I'm a half decent writer, I guess.