10 Crazy Facts You Just Have To Accept To Enjoy The Xbox One

9. Or Having Your Pals Bother You On Skype

The other big push - besides having you not touch any buttons ever €“ that Microsoft are chasing after with the Xbox One is the more social form of video gaming. So maybe they were thinking that when you're talking to your console, you're doing it in the company of people. Which would make us feel less weird, but also means if Xbox One ever came up in conversation, the console might start interrupting you. Anyway, the Xbox pioneered the current trend of console games to have more in common with their multiplayer capabilities as opposed to the stereotype of a dork sitting inside all day on their own getting square eyes from marathon sessions of The Legend Of Zelda. With its online bent the original Xbox ported over the headset-wearing, friend-fighting competitive edge of playing multiplayer over a modem. The Xbox One assumes that you wanna spend even more time chatting with pals than the requisite trash talking during a Halo deathmatch, which is why it comes with integrated Skype capabilities. Also because Microsoft bought up the video calling service not too long ago and they want to get their money's worth. At first we weren't sold on having people interrupt us during a game, or whilst watching a movie, or one of the other umpteen things the Xbox can do, but we're coming around to the idea. We kinda have to.

Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/