10 Crazy Video Game Fan Theories That Predicted The Future
7. Egg People - Rocket League

Rocket League is a game about rocket-propelled cars playing football. It's not a premise that makes you think much about lore, but that didn't stop those who played coming up with some anyway.
The most common theory regarded the location where Rocket League matches took place. Some fans concluded that it was an alien planet inhabited by... egg people!
The main reason for why the theory came to be was that the in-game stadium seats were filled with oval-shaped blobs. These "eggs" were clearly there to use fewer resources to run the game, as opposed to proper humanlike models, but as more and more egg people theories began to pop up on the internet, Rocket League's developers, Psyonix, caught wind and decided to make the crazy idea come true.
These days, the game is filled with hints and references confirming the existence of egg aliens spectating matches.
It's clear that this is more of a cheeky homage than something the developers were planning on from the beginning, but it still shows that the egg-obsessed fans were right in the end. They didn't just predict the future - they created it!