10 Crazy Video Game Fan Theories That Predicted The Future

4. BJ Blazkowicz Is Doomguy's Ancestor - Doom

Wolfenstein the New Order BJ
iD Software

Doom and Wolfenstein share a lot of similarities. They're both id Software IPs, both are 3D shooters with a long tradition in the genre, and both feature acts of unspeakable violence against despicably evil monsters.

However, as if these comparisons were not enough, Doom and Wolfenstein hid a couple more similarities within their levels, which started one of the biggest fan theories about the two games—that they take place in the same universe.

What started these speculations off were small references that the titles made about each other, like a demon in Wolfenstein sharing a sprite with one of Doom's hell spawn or the hidden Hitler head hidden inside one of Doom's levels.

Though these were only harmless easter eggs, they led the franchises' fanbase to draw pretty serious conclusions about their beloved titles.

The main theory was that Doom guy is a direct descendant of BJ Blazkowicz, and this fact was not only hinted at in modern Doom and Wolfenstein games but also confirmed in several interviews by Doom's very own creator, John Romero.

It just goes to show that sometimes, an easter egg can be more than a simple reference.

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Video games enthusiast with a love for bizarre facts about his favorite titles. Really into old-school strategies and RPGs of all shapes and sizes.