10 Creepiest Legend Of Zelda Enemies

4. Dexivine (First Appearance In The Wind Waker – 2003)

legend of zelda dark link

A pesky and slimy pest that infests the tall grass and other inconspicuous areas, Dexivines are a peculiar plant opponent characterized by its seeming fragility when receiving the most basic blows in the hero’s attack moveset. Fragile yet somehow formidable.

When this evil vine latches on to your body, you can kiss your magic meter goodbye if you’re not quick enough to retaliate. At first glance, this foe appears to be harmless enough, but its rapid regenerative powers shouldn’t be underestimated.

Essentially an immortal enemy, Dexivines will keep growing back and keep trying to drain your magic until you swiftly run away.

During several crucial moments of game play, it will be imperative for the hero to have a sufficient amount of magic in order to perform powerful attacks against tough adversaries or to activate special abilities that will trigger the unfolding of certain key events.

If you happen to find a treacherous Dexivine inconveniently hidden in the tall grass, you might relinquish all your hard-earned magic for nothing. Retreat and reassess.

This is a fight you can’t really win, so don’t hold on to a lost cause. Remember to watch your step and don’t slip on these wicked vines.


I hear a voice inside my head, it always tells me to go get tacos. Like... right NOW! Ok, jeez, you don't have to shout. Occasionally, I write content for What Culture.