10 Creepy Fallout Locations You Wish You'd Never Visited

7. Vault 108 - Fallout 3

Fallout cathedral

Nearly every Vault that can be found in Fallout has its own uniquely horrific tale of experimentation. Vault Tech's lies and the fate that befell not only those trying to find shelter from the nuclear apocalypse, but also the fate of the employees trying to survive in the vaults paint a horrid picture.

Vault 108 is yet another tale of horrific experimentation. When the player first enters the vault, it seems to be completely empty. But then they are attacked by a man simply named Gary who screams some form of "GARY" at them and then tries to attack them. After Gary dies, all seems fine.

Then, as the player explores more of this vault, they encounter more and more men named Gary, who all look alike aside from differing numbers next to their names.

The player eventually discovers that this vault was designed with a cloning lab and focused on using one man, named Gary, for their experiments. However, as the vault technicians kept cloning Gary, his clones became unresponsive to orders and grew more and more violent, until eventually the Gary's rose up and killed every non-clone inside Vault 108.

The Gary's seemed to just take the Vault as their own, not capable of anything besides basic survival, as the cloning process had rendered them rather unintelligent. The tale of Gary, mixed with Vault 108's rusted interior, filled with skeletons and spattered with blood, all make this vault one that people would actually prefer to not go into.

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Your friendly neighborhood writer across the pond in the United States' west coast with a deep love for everything nerdy. He is a big fan of Batman and Godzilla and is always excited to see what the future of the entertainment industry will bring.