10 Creepy Fallout Locations You Wish You'd Never Visited

6. The Stables - Fallout 2

Fallout cathedral
Black isle Studios

If you've played any of the Fallout games, new or old, then you may be aware of the massive drug use both NPCs and the player are subjected to. One of the most popular in-game drugs that have appeared throughout the franchise is the drug known simply as Jet.

This drug is used primarily as an addictive drug from NPCs and as a booster inhaler for players, giving them all sorts of stat buffs and unusually triggering some sort of rage-induced yell in the later entries in the franchise. Players may use Jet for various purposes without ever really knowing where the drug came from or where it's produced in such high quantities. However, it can be found all over the American wasteland.

That is unless players visit the location simply labeled The Stables in Fallout 2. This location is a massive Jet producing factory owned by the Mordino Family, a Fallout version of the mob. This converted stable and livery is revealed to be full of human slaves who are used both for producing the drug and also as involuntary test subjects of the drug, to make it as cheap and "safe" as possible for its users.

The worst part is the underground facility used not only to test Jet but also to be a paradise for the modifier of Jet, Myron, who abuses his slaves and prostitutes alike in order to satisfy his teenage impulses and overall god complex. Somewhere players will defiantly wish they hadn't vivted.

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Your friendly neighborhood writer across the pond in the United States' west coast with a deep love for everything nerdy. He is a big fan of Batman and Godzilla and is always excited to see what the future of the entertainment industry will bring.