10 Creepy Fallout Locations You Wish You'd Never Visited

5. The Necropolis - Fallout

Fallout cathedral
Interplay Entertainment

Zombies are one of pop culture's most iconic horror monsters, and Fallout took the idea of classic brain-eating, undead hordes, and modified them into what we now know to be ghouls. These heavily irradiated humans are a constant grim reminder that radiation and nuclear warfare doesn't always mean people will die clean and painless deaths.

Finding any location swarming with ghouls is enough to upset even hardened Fallout players. Introducing these terrifying foes early in the Fallout franchise, the developers succeed immensely with the ghoul city, aptly named the Necropolis.

This city of the walking dead is a location that players have to go to in order to fulfill their main quest of finding the all-important water purifying chip to save their vault. This ruined version of California's Bakersfield seems eerily abandoned upon entry. With the addition of Fallout's terrifying soundtrack, The Necropolis instantly makes players' skin crawl, and feel their flight or fight responses go into overdrive.

Then almost out of nowhere players are swarmed by hostile ghouls and forced to fight their way through the city and into the sewer system, where they are not better off. The sewers of the Necropolis are as terrifying as any good episode of AMC's The Walking Dead.

The player is forced to fight off a seemingly endless horde of ghouls and other monstrosities hiding in the sewer system. Even the discovery of friendly ghouls does little to alleviate the fear and makes one wish to have never visited the place.

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Your friendly neighborhood writer across the pond in the United States' west coast with a deep love for everything nerdy. He is a big fan of Batman and Godzilla and is always excited to see what the future of the entertainment industry will bring.