10 Creepy Video Game Characters You ACTUALLY Root For

4. The Sorrow - Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater

Grand Theft Auto Trevor

Like most of the bosses in Metal Gear Solid 3, The Sorrow was a member of the elite Cobra Unit, under the leadership of The Boss. The two fell in love and produced a child who was, notably, born in the midst of the D-day invasion of Europe during World War II.

The two parted ways after the war and, due to a long series of Cold War-era espionage hijinks, The Boss was compelled to kill her former lover, who had joined the Soviet Union, for the safety of their son. There was a lot more to it than that, but it's Metal Gear - we have to move on or we'll be here all day.

Encountered as a spirit in MGS3, his boss encounter is notable for how it confronts the player with their actions. In it, you guide Snake up a river, coming up against the spirits of every enemy killed up to that point. If going for a non-lethal play-through, then this encounter was the easiest in the game. But if you went around killing everybody, well - guess who's back (bosses too)!

The Sorrow is really just there to force you to look in the mirror. Will you like what you see?

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At 34 years of age, I am both older and wiser than Splinter.