10 Criminally Underrated Video Game Sequels Nobody Played

2. Zone Of The Enders: The Second Runner

No offense to Zone of the Enders, but most people probably remember it for containing a demo of Metal Gear Solid 2. The game itself was not bad but felt like more of an extended tech demo than a great experience in its own right. The Second Runner does an incredible job of identifying Zone of the Enders' missed opportunities and turning them into successes. Whereas the first game devoted much of its attention to making a relatively new combat system work, here the issues have all been ironed out and the focus is on providing large-scale battles that will make your jaw drop. Second Runner recreates the impressive spectacle of an anime series while building an immersive universe of its own. The disappointing nature of the original Zone of the Enders probably turned away many potential fans, but trust me when I say that this one got it right.

An entertainment enthusiast living in Brooklyn, trying to make his way by slinging words at blank pages.