10 Critically-Acclaimed Video Games That BOMBED
8. Split/Second (XBOX 360, PS3)
If you love driving really, really fast, you should play Split/Second, an absurdly upbeat game full of explosions, and hurtling dramatically through stacks of cardboard boxes.
What can only be described as "a bonkers reality TV show where people drive like they're on the M1 at 5.50pm on a Friday," Split/Second is a Disney-published racing game built around the idea of taking daring risks, feeling like a hero, and the line "I think we're juuuust gonna make it!".
It made a remarkably good impression on critics, who felt the game was "a racing game where every moment feels like the final stretch."
Whether you're outmanoeuvring rival racers whilst avoiding a plane crash, or driving through a crumbling building whilst your danger indicators have a fit, Split/Second definitely couldn't be accused of doing anything by halves.
However, ironically, whilst the game never moves out of top gear, sales started off strong and stopped dead very shortly after, leaving Split/Second burnt out all too quickly.