10 DEADLIEST Dark Souls Sorceries

9. Crystal Magic Weapon

Dark Souls 3 Sorceries Farron Dart
Bandai Namco

Another equipment enhancer, this sorcery takes a decidedly less subtle approach to tackling enemies with a magically buffed weapon.

Specifically, it adds a massive amount of magic damage to your right-hand weapon, improving on the standard Magic Weapon sorcery by a significant amount. Unlike Hidden Weapon, this spell is useful in whatever situation you use it in, as more damage is never a bad thing in the world of Dark Souls.

What lets it down slightly is the fact that the damage added does not scale with your stats or your equipment. It's a set amount each time, meaning that you'd get the same bonus on a dagger as you would a greataxe. In other words, if you're using a slow and heavy weapon, you're probably not going to get as much benefit from this enhancement as another player wielding a fast weapon would.

But whichever way you swing it, that extra damage could be (and often is) the difference between you defeating a boss and getting beaten to a pulp with only a sliver of its health left.

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Graduate composer, on-and-off session musician, aspiring novelist, professional nerd. Where procrastination and cynicism intertwine, Lee Clarke can be found.