10 Deadliest Enemies In Fallout History

5. Super Mutant Overlord - Fallout 3

Fallout deathclaw

Now while a lot of you might be raising an eyebrow seeing a Super Mutant Overlord on this list over a Super Mutant Behemoth, there are a few key factors that make this less visually intimidating enemy surprisingly much more deadly than its oafish big brother.

For a start, the Super Mutant Overlord can spawn in with weapons purpose-built to make your living nightmare. In fact so deadly are the laser Gatling gun or tri-laser that it can appear with that the aforementioned "living nightmare" is destined to be a short one, especially when the bastard will also throw frag grenades at you as well.

Secondly, while taking on a single Super Mutant is a tough but fairly straightforward affair, the Super Mutant Overlord never spawns alone, usually dropping in with the support of up to four other big green bastards.

This, coupled with the Overlord's high health, ability to stay at the back of the fight and rinse you with deadly laser fire, AND the fact he's no slouch in close combat means that encountering one will bring out even experienced players in a cold sweat.

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