10 Deadliest Enemies In Fallout History

4. Legendary Bloatfly - Fallout: New Vegas

Fallout deathclaw
Obsidian Entertainment

If you thought Cazadores were the only embodiment of winged death in Fallout: New Vegas then think again my friend as the comically overpowered Legendary Bloatfly will turn you into a ragdoll corpse before you can even reach for that pig iron on your hip.

In what must have been one of the Obsidian developers having the biggest laugh ever, the Legendary Bloatfly is an utter godforsaken nightmare to take down and can be found in the Old World Blues DLC hanging out in the Mysterious Cave.

This glowing monstrosity overshadows its brethren in both size and damage output, spewing goop from its abdomen that hits for 300 damage a pop and does so at an alarming rate, meaning that it actually outclasses an Alpha Deathclaw in terms of stopping power.

Plus I really, really hope you aren't a melee build because this beast, for some reason, flies up higher than regular Bloatflies meaning it can sometimes be impossible to hit the damn thing! Not that you'll have too long to complain as this foe will fell you in moments.

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