10 Deleted Video Game Scenes You Need To See

7. X-Men 2: Wolverine's Revenge - Spider-Man

The Marvel cinematic universe is no stranger to cross-overs, Easter eggs and deleted scenes. Fans crave each of these whenever a new Marvel film his the screens.

Now Disney has the rights to Fox, many are hoping for the inclusion of X-Men in the cinematic universe, resulting in many cross-overs that would grace the big screen. It seems like a no-brainer at this point as Disney ties together many of its properties.

Before this, however, X2: Wolverine's Revenge treated players to an in-game deleted scene for those who sought out all of the games collectibles. After finding them all, a scene is played which shows the legendary Wolverine on his way to hunt down Magneto.

While on his way, a shadowy figure startles Wolverine before revealing himself to be Spider-Man. It's a small scene, but an amusing cross-over that many fans wish were included into the full game.

The two converse with both of their signature style of banter and proves to be a hilarious treat for those who seek out all the collectibles. So while many of us wait for the inevitable inclusion of the X-Men into the Marvel cinematic universe, at least we have this!

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Freelance games journalist who will fight anyone who questions to majesty of Bioshock... or any of the SpongeBob games.