10 Deleted Video Game Scenes You Need To See

6. Gears Of War 2 - Road To Ruin

As previously mentioned, not many deleted scenes from games get to see the light of day. Most remain conceptual ideas that never pass the drawing board, but sometimes, studios will collaborate to make the vision come true.

Gears of War 2 saw that happen with the added scene, Road to Ruin.

Road to Ruin was a piece of downloadable content that added a new section to the campaign. Most game add-ons expand on the story after the main experience, but Road to Ruin was integrated into the middle of the main campaign.

It's a section that takes place after a pivotal story moment when leading character Dom, loses his wife. What transpires after is the team making their way down a highway, with two options. A stealthy approach or all guns blazing.

The scene offers you two ways to interact with it and further expands on Dom's pain with the loss of his wife. It's an interesting insight into how game companies decide to cut content and a video introduction provides some info onto how those decisions are made.

Road to Ruin may not be the most explosive chapter of the campaign, but it remains one of the most intresting.

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Freelance games journalist who will fight anyone who questions to majesty of Bioshock... or any of the SpongeBob games.