10 Deleted Video Game Scenes You Need To See

3. The Last Of Us - 'Alternate' Ending

The Last of Us is a powerful masterclass of storytelling, immersion and innovative gameplay. It's often hailed as one of the greatest games of all time with some truly incredible motion capture performances.

The story of The Last of Us is set in a bleak, desolate world with little to no hope. That is, until our hero Joel meets Ellie. A young girl who reminds him what it means to be a father and ultimately, to love.

An alternate ending mixes up the The Last of Us story in a unique way. This time, it incorporates... singing?

Yes, you heard that right -- singing. A comical interpretation of the an ending scene has the actors playing out a truly emotional scene where Joel is attempting to rescue Ellie from a gang known as the Fireflies, who wish harvest her and discover a cure for the virus.

This time, however, the actors are made to act out the whole sing by singing, pushing the octane levels as high as possible. It's a comical, wonderful approach to the scene, which obviously would never make the final cut, but provides an insight into the skills the actors can display.

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Freelance games journalist who will fight anyone who questions to majesty of Bioshock... or any of the SpongeBob games.