10 Demos That Made You AVOID Video Games

3. Battle Tag

To be fair, it's hard to say with any real confidence that Ubisoft's Battle Tag - essentially a home version of laser tag - ever had a snowman's chance in hell of being a hit.

Home versions of laser tag have existed since the '90s and while they do well enough to still be sold, they're not exactly up there with Nerf or Super Soaker. Still, Ubisoft could not have done themselves any worse than the way they sabotaged their own product during its E3 2010 stage demo.

For reasons that will forever be a mystery to everyone, Ubisoft devoted a decent chunk of their press conference at a video game expo to showing off a playground game, beginning with a bunch of overly enthusiastic actors(?) running through the audience and taking shots at each other before jumping on stage to bow in front of an apprehensive crowd.

As another "mode" was demoed with a barely conscious Joel McHale - a perfect proxy for the audience - producer Gael Seydoux's poor acting came across as painfully forced enthusiasm.

Needless to say, Battle Tag was dead on arrival, releasing only in a handful of stores across Canada and, for some reason, Texas.

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At 34 years of age, I am both older and wiser than Splinter.