10 Devastating Emotional Video Game Moments That Came Out Of Nowhere

7. Blackbeard's Death - Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag

assassin's creed blackbeard

Assassin's Creed IV did a whole lot of things right, mostly because it did a whole lot of things different.

Instead of washing characters into the background, they made them one of the main focuses of the game, making them feel more alive than ever. And that all culminated in the game drawing a heart-breaking moment out of one of the most vicious pirate's deaths. Blackbeard.

Like the Joker, like the Baron, he was a monster, but the game gave him a heart and soul and made us feel genuine heartbreak when he died fighting. It was surprisingly emotional and struck all the right beats. Despite being a cutscene, it was engaging and gave us that sliver of hope that he might survive.

And it is all in service of the fact that Blackbeard just wanted to retire. At the point in the story, he had given up and turned a new leaf, only to be cut down in his prime, his final words reflecting that in one of the most poignant and devastating sequences in the game, in the series and in gaming itself.

"In a world with gold, we might have been heroes!"


I like video games, writing and writing about video games. Expect sarcasm and the dry wit of a Brit. And the occasional rant of a unhappy Scot. You know... the usual.