10 Dialogue Choices That Were Devastatingly Different From What Your Character Actually Said

5. "Thoughts, Solas?" - Dragon Age: Inquisition

Dragon Age Inquisition Solas

As beloved as BioWare is for its imaginative RPG games, the company is also frequently raked over the coals by fans for their tendency to defer to weirdly misleading dialogue choices.

This is apparent throughout the Dragon Age franchise, but never more than in Inquisition, and most memorably, in the main quest "Here Lies the Abyss."

When the player and their party ends up in the metaphysical realm known as The Fade, party member Solas will comment that the Black City is nearby.

The player is then given three dialogue options - "It's amazing," "Thoughts, Solas?", or "Focus, Solas."

Selecting the second option would seem to suggest the player wants Solas' insight on their present location, but instead The Inquisitor will mockingly tell Solas, "This must be very exciting for you, Solas. Any advice you have on what exactly's going on would be wonderful."

It's a needlessly mean and totally unwarranted put-down, and honestly feels more fitting for the third dialogue option than the second.

It's possible this was as much a result of improper voice direction as anything else, given that without the same sneering tone, the line wouldn't sound nearly as antagonistic.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.