10 Disgusting Video Game Achievements That Came Out Of Nowhere

4. The Call Of Nature - The Last Guardian

the last guardian
Team ICO

There’s nothing particularly disgusting about a pet going to the toilet but the fact that SIE Japan Studio wrote it into their game, coded your AI furry pal to do it at random and then punish you for looking at it with an achievement is pretty hilarious.

There are heaps of games where you have an animal companion. I’m talking Epona, Dogmeat, you name it. That’s not uncommon but what is uncommon is said animal companion needing to go to the toilet. Well, that’s exactly what your half-bird, half-cat-dog-something pal Trico needs to do in The Last Guardian. Trico doesn’t communicate with you but he will, on occasion, excuse himself to go poop out the glowy barrels you’ve been feeding him.

If you glance over to check on your buddy while he’s doing this, perhaps to try and ascertain a better idea of exactly what kind of animal he is, you’ll pop an achievement.

Not only will you earn a ‘cheev’ entitled ‘The Call of Nature’, you’ll also get a funny bit of dialogue where the narrator says “I was somewhat shocked to witness the greatest… secret of Trico’s kind first-hand”. Truly majestic.


Likes: Collecting maiamais, stanning Makoto, dual-weilding, using sniper rifles on PC, speccing into persuasion and lockpicking. Dislikes: Escort missions.