10 Disgusting Video Game Moments No One Felt Bad About

2. Every Single Pokémon Battle €“ Pokémon Series

Anyone who grew up in the 90s will undoubtedly be familiar with Game Freak€™s aptly named legendary series, Pokémon (Pocket monsters). Earning a well-deserved second place for the best selling video game franchise of all time, the series is still going strong with constant new releases every few years. The premise of the series is well known to millions around the world: catch wild Pokémon, train them, and battle others to prove that you are indeed the very best. Disgusting moment: You effectively go out into the wild, find monsters enjoying life to the fullest in their natural environment; then proceed to batter them with your highly trained minions in the hopes of capturing and imprisoning them in a small ball. If that wasn€™t bad enough, you then proceed to force the captured Pokémon into fighting other captured Pokémon. There€™s a good reason activities such as dog fighting are illegal in the real world, they're brutally cruel and terribly immoral. Why no one felt bad: With a game series aimed at a younger market, it was very hard for youths to grasp the immoralities at the heart of the Pokémon franchise. Sure, if you think long and hard enough, the Pokémon world is extremely messed up (How, when, and why do Pokémon die for example? Because we know they do!), but when it comes down to it, we don€™t really mind €“ as the games are so damn fun and addictive. At the end of the day, discovering the similarities between the Pokémon world and real life atrocities does very little in deterring us from an otherwise great and unmissable series.

Alex is a screenwriter, playwright, and all around good guy. He loves to keep things concise, most of the time. Follow Alex on Twitter @alexdsut