10 Disgusting Video Game Moments No One Felt Bad About

4. The Last T-Rex €“ Tomb Raider

There are very few video game characters that can boast as big a celebrity status as Lara Croft, and a female contender to the iconic archaeologist€™s fame is completely unheard of. Exploding onto the market back in 1996 with its unprecedented cinematic approach to gameplay, Tomb Raider revolutionised how adventure games were made. Being a major influence on numerous games such as the highly successful Uncharted series, there€™s no denying that this franchise has been an irreplaceable step in gaming advancement. Disgusting moment: Coming across what could possibly have been the last Tyrannosaurus rex, and subsequently killing it. Remembering you€™re supposed to be an archaeologist just makes matters a whole lot worse. Why no one felt bad: Emerging from the blackness of a narrow gorge of forestry, the unexpected appearance of the intimidatingly big and angry T-rex was a terrifying experience for many gamers back in the 90s. Much as it was with The Last Giant of Dark Souls 2, kill or be killed became the immediate mentality of many players. Finally managing to slay the mighty beast resulted in a sigh of relief and a slow recovery from trembling fingertips and sweaty palms €“ and it's safe to say no one was in the state of mind to acknowledge the terrible deed they just performed.

Alex is a screenwriter, playwright, and all around good guy. He loves to keep things concise, most of the time. Follow Alex on Twitter @alexdsut