10 Disturbing Tales Of Video Game Obsession

7. Teen "Transformed Into A Fire Mage" And Set Fire To Classmate

After being on the losing side of a playground fight, a 17-year-old Beijing teen covered a classmate with gasoline and set him on fire. Rather than being a simple bout of extreme aggression, the teen later claimed that he had done so thanks to a World of Warcraft obsession. According to the teen, he had "lost himself in World of Warcraft and when he committed the crime he had transformed into a Fire Mage". The classmate received serious burns as a result of the incident, but fortunately his injuries were not fatal. The offending teen was sentenced to 8 years in prison for his crime, and was also ordered to pay the victim and his family a total of 760,000 RMB, which is the equivalent to just over 100,000 USD.
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