10 Disturbing Video Game Characters We'll Never Forget

6. All NPCs - Harry Potter And The Philosopher's Stone / Chamber Of Secrets (PS1)

Voldo SoulCalibur
Electronic Games

Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone for the original Playstation is actually a great and much loved game.

Featuring third person platforming and broomstick flying shenanigans aplenty, this was a staple of many gamers' childhood collections.

Frankly, any game which features the line "I'll give you a taste of my SUPER WIZARD CRACKERS!" deserves your attention.

It is clear, however, that the character model budget was spent entirely on making Harry himself look good, as literally every single NPC at Hogwarts - teacher and student alike - are absolutely terrifying.

Neville Longbottom looks like some kind of blind, cave-dwelling lizard creature which has never seen sunlight, and Hagrid's flat, blobfish-like, unblinking face, inviting Harry to come round to his hut after dark to do him a favour is... well, you can finish that train of thought for yourselves.

It's the uncanny valley theory at work here. The characters are obviously supposed to be human, but are so poorly realised on PS1 hardware - which is capable of better - that they appear bizarre and unsettling in the extreme.

It's still a great game, just don't play it before bed or you'll be reaching for the nightlight faster than you can say "Flippendo Knockback Jinx".

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Jedi Knight, last son of Krypton, backwards-compatible gaming nerd, Dark Knight of Teesside...