10 Disturbing Video Game Secret Areas You Regret Finding

1. Bathroom Corpse - P.T.

Years after it was released and quickly cancelled, players are still unlocking the horrifying mysteries of P.T.

Earlier this year a hacker discovered that the ghostly Lisa was always behind you (even if she didn't appear to be there when you turned around), and the same person also found a mystery bathroom sequence that is totally hidden in the final product.

The entire demo is based on the same hallway changing as you loop it, and this hack reveals that inside one of the locked bathrooms is actually the headless corpse of Lisa, just lying there.

The fact that it's there in the finished game, and players never even knew, is absolutely terrifying. Fans' imaginations filled in the blanks of what could be happening out of view, but somehow knowing and seeing it is way worse.


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Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3