10 Divisive Video Games That Are Secretly The Best Entry

9. Batman: Arkham Origins

batman arkham origins
Warner Bros.

Not taking anything away from just how seismic Arkham Asylum was, but if we're looking at the full franchise - the entirety of their scope, Batman's entire range of abilities and sheer bang for your buck - Arkham Origins just edges it out.

Why? Because although Batman was fine enough in the main trilogy, here he's a walking haymaker. Bruce Wayne's infancy as the Dark Knight is immediately engaging, and when he's not tussling with Alfred over the moralities of putting half of Gotham's criminals in the hospital, he's breaking into the GCPD to get answers for the next plot point.

Couple this with an ability system you'll only unlock if you experiment with Batman's entire arsenal, procedurally generated crimes where you save police and Gotham's citizens, and a Challenge mode where you can play as Deathstroke, and it's a mighty meaty package.

Oh, and DLC is actually genuinely worth your time in this one. "Cold, Cold Heart" does Mr. Freeze better than anywhere else, showing that whilst Origins' reputation is the 'odd one out', its execution was always stellar.

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