10 Divisive Video Games That Are Secretly The Best Entry

8. Watch Dogs 2

Watch Dogs 2

The first game embodied the "meh" feeling that was the beginning of the generation, but Watch Dogs 2 got every last thing right, and then some.

The only problem? Nobody cared.

Still, right off the bat Marcus Holloway is a more energetic and memorable presence on-screen than the dour, mopey Adrian Pearce, and the game invests entirely in a caricatured version of San Francisco. "Tech culture" abounds, you can infiltrate a fake Google, and there's a manbun'd, yoga-posing CEO as the main villain.

The best thing was your ability to hack into literally every object. Whilst it's not exactly realistic, suddenly you could remotely tell cars to reverse into enemies, rig steam grates to send goons sailing across the map, or just pilot your remote RC car through a warehouse to complete the mission for you.

Watch Dogs 2 honed that sense of technology tipping the balance in your favour that the original lacked, and with some genuinely stunning graphics, this is a super fun cyber-infused romp you can pick up for hella cheap today.

Gaming Editor
Gaming Editor

WhatCulture's Head of Gaming.