10 Divisive Video Games You Either Love Or Hate

2. Minecraft

minecraft survival

Minecraft has fallen far from grace over the years as its reputation has been influenced by the largely young player base. But as a game, it's fundamentally sound with some pretty fulfilling survival and building mechanics. Not only that the limits of creativity are limitless. Unless you want to build a perfect circle...

However, due to the player base being largely children and the overall impression the games makes in the media, the game has been branded a kid's game, thus making it divisive. The association of the younger audience is enough to turn some people away, as well the fact the game relies largely on self-motivation to be enjoyable. Some people often prefer a set goal provided by the game instead of having to 'make your own fun'.

On top of that, there is the notorious fact that the game is unbelievably obtuse with its mechanics, requiring access to the wiki just to understand the basic fundamentals of the game.

All in all, the game provides a fun open world full of limitless opportunities for creativity, but some find the game to be too open ended to be enjoyable with far too many hurdles to jump through just to play. That and all the eight-year-olds playing it...

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I like video games, writing and writing about video games. Expect sarcasm and the dry wit of a Brit. And the occasional rant of a unhappy Scot. You know... the usual.