10 Divisive Video Games You Either Love Or Hate

9. Final Fantasy

Lightning Returns Final Fantasy XII 2
Square Enix

You might be wondering why Final Fantasy as a series earns its own spot on this list instead of a specific game. And chances are you have your own idea as to which game is the most divisive, but when it comes down to it, you could literally pick any game in the series and there would be die-hard fans that would love it and die-hard haters who would condemn it as the game that ruined the series.

This one largely comes down to personal preference as there hasn't really been a universally acclaimed Final Fantasy game since Final Fantasy VII with every title receiving backlash and praise for a multitude of aspects. Some for their characters, some for the story, some for the changes to gameplay and some just out of principle.

The series itself could stand here on its own, considering how a lot of people love the franchise as a whole and others don't like due to the scope and sheer size of its universe. It can often seem daunting and of putting even trying to dip your toes in the water, with the fantasy/future/Japanese style being quite jarring to new players.

Either way, Final Fantasy is easily one of the most divisive series out there and nearly every game could fill this spot on the list.

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I like video games, writing and writing about video games. Expect sarcasm and the dry wit of a Brit. And the occasional rant of a unhappy Scot. You know... the usual.