10 DLCs That Totally Missed The Point Of The Game

8. The Sims 4 - Get To Work

Video Game DLC Bad

The above Sim, caught as she is in the throes of existential angst, is likely wondering why the player blighted her majestic lifestyle with the inclusion of a tedious 9-to-5 grind.

To be fair, we're sure the player is asking themselves the same thing.

Ever since The Sims launched way back in 1998 - yes, it really has been 25 years - its raison d'ĂȘtre has remained the same. Players can either live vicariously through their Sims - watching them jet off on expensive holidays, raise beautiful families and live lives of utter contentment - or torture the poor sods by making them go for a swim, than removing the ladder so they can't get out. (Please tell me I'm not the only one who did that).

The excruciatingly dull Get to Work DLC pack, unfortunately, interrupts the fantasy with the drudgery of daily labour.

To be clear, jobs have always been a part of The Sims lives - they just occurred off-screen, out of view of the player. The Get To Work pack pushes the Sims bread-earning activities front-and-centre, and in the process makes their lives - and ours - a lot duller. None of the jobs offered in the pack are remotely fun to engage with, and watching your Sim slog their way through their tedious workday completely wrecks the idea that they're living their best lives.

Basically, if you want your Sims to suffer, just stick with the swimming pool.

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Hello! My name's Iain Tayor. I write about video games, wrestling and comic books, and I apparently can't figure out how to set my profile picture correctly.